Saturday, October 8, 2011

Lucky Ali Speaks

"I want people to be happy."
Says the singer-musician-songwriter-actor 'Lucky Ali'

Image courtesy: Vaidyanathan (ydntn photography)
I feel lucky at reproducing a few statements and quotes which were said by Lucky Ali over the years on various occasion.

Lucky Speaks on his solful music

"I'm not a trained singer, but I love singing,"

"I will sing what I want to sing," he says simply. "Just because I have a couple of hits, does not mean I turn into a full time playback singer. I should enjoy doing the work."

About his music, he says "I am not a trained musician. I play by the ear, by my instincts. And I've always been singing. It's been a serious hobby with me. And I compose my own music". "I met Aslam at a Jamaat. He wanted to write songs for me, so we got together and everything happened. We vibed well."

About his music he says "My music happens to me when I least expected it. I'm untrained and the style is free."

So how does he qualify his music? ''My music is 'Everybody's Music." I don't belong to any particular genre. But I don't understand what pop music actually is. There should be no categories. Everybody should express himself or herself in a way they feel best. I am doing what makes me feel good.''

"I discover music. I don't believe I create anything; I only discover things. I discovered my form. It may have been there all along. But I searched for it and found it; I discovered that I could express myself in it."

About the simplicity, he says, "It's the melody that is important to me. Music is not just about learning notes or playing an instrument. One has to understand music from within and then reach out. I don't like too many instruments, so I consciously try to keep it simple."

In the fast-moving entertainment industry, Ali broke away from music for few years. "I can’t churn out songs like a factory," he explains. "There has to be a reason."

About his music album he says "It's never just a couple of tracks strung together. There's always a connecting theme, even though I don't necessarily stick to it right through. First, the music arrives. I then sit with the lyricist and musicians, and tell them about the direction I am looking for – the ambience in my head. We just take it from there. I work with professionals, so the task is always an easy one"

His albums have the Sufiana feel "Yes. But it is not planned. You may get the feel of Sufi music in my songs because I am a God-fearing person. Whatever I do, I always think of pleasing God with my work," he explains.

"I’ve always held on to melody,"

About his kind of music, Lucky says, "My songs are an extension of my personality. It is music that everyone listens to. Everyone understands my music since it is simple and that's the reason why it worked. The moment I start doing difficult things for people to swallow, it will be the end to my music and my career. I come out with what I can understand and if I don't, I keep my mouth shut. My songs reflect the various relationships that I have gone through over the years, the impressions that people I met in the course of my travels left on me and generally, life itself,"

Lucky just ''walked into music, ''You have to do it yourself. You can't expect things to just fall into your lap. Do something to the best of your ability. If it feels right in your heart, it must be good. I felt that if music is divine why wouldn't there be a market for it.''

About the fierce competition in the Indian Music Industry Lucky says "Competition? I have not come to compete with anybody. I have just come to do my stuff and get out. I don't want to hurt or harm anyone. I have their good will and they have my good will."

When asked what inspires his creativity and his songs, the artist said "I think what inspires me is simplicity, life, creation among a few. Also people, parents, all things that are normal to life inspire me."

Lucky Speaks on journey and his nomad nature
''The concept of home and family was not for me. I had to leave ... ''
Lucky Ali apart from music takes interest in nature and traveling. You can call him born traveler. He says "The moment I get a chance to travel, I am out. That's the only time I can probably get to be one with whatever is around us. And you can find nature in anything. You don't have to go a hill station. People squatting on Mumbai roads are also natural."

Lucky Speaks on food he takes
"My ideal meal is a homemade meal shared with my family after thanking God for it."
"I wake up at 5 am. Even before I open my eyes I take God’s name. Later, I say my namaz. Then I have a cup of coffee. I walk around and watch the sun rise."

"My favourite vegetables are ladyfingers, potatoes, tomatoes, cucumber, green leafy vegetables, carrots, cauliflower, broccoli, peppers, mushrooms and sprouts. But I am not very fond of salads. I don’t mind chewing on a few leaves now and then. When I am in a mood to binge I enjoy chaats. I don’t worry about my throat. I am very fond of seafood and vegetarian food."

"I am a dessert person, my favorite desserts are gulab jamun and kulfi. I like Indian sweets. I relish the aam ras Gujaratis make. My fruit platter would comprise apples, mangoes, litchis and cherries. My favourite cuisine is Indian food. When I say Indian, I mean the entire sub-continent including Arabic, as their food reflects a lot of our influence. European food would come a close second. It is pretty light. Chinese, Malaysian and Thai would rank third, fourth and fifth. In Indian food I like patli yellow moong ki dal with roti and raitas."

"For a recording I don’t carry my own lunch but I avoid eating outside food as far as possible. If I am hungry in the evenings I eat whatever the kids are eating, potato chips and stuff like that."

"Dad was a great cook. He always cooked something for us. He was an ace at Arabic and Iranian food. I have six brothers and two sisters and all of them are good cooks. Strangely enough though, none of us know how to make biryani. Since we all like to experiment, our artistic bent of mind finds expression in our cooking talents. My wife makes excellent stir-fried vegetables. When she’s cooking I just add my own two bits."

"Boarding school food was good and not difficult to adjust to. Besides, my mom never spoilt us. I like anybody and everybody’s cooking."

"Food should be simple and clean and made with love. The person cooking it shouldn’t treat it like a chore. I don’t like restaurant food I would rather have homemade food. When I am in town, I ask my chachas to send me khichdi. In Bangalore I like the food at MTR. I am fond of idlis and wadas. South Indian food is quite healthy."

"I don’t drink, I am a teetotaler. My favourite beverage is water. But sometimes I just forget to drink any. I don’t carry my water from home since mineral water is available everywhere. On a hot summer day ideally, I would skip a meal. Or else, eat a meal of dal rice and dahi. Coconut water is always available at home. If not, a glass of nimbu pani, would be just fine. During winter in England I like drinking café latte (coffee in milk). In the rains I love chai."

Lucky’s musical recipe for lassi
"Take a patila of milk, put in a little curd, let it go to sleep, say goodnight. In the morning, good-morning, take it out, Patiala turning curd. Put in little sugar, then put it in madani, then dhar-dik, dhar-dik dhar-dik = lassi = paise assi in India."

Lucky Speaks on his work
"I trained as a horseman in America. It was sheer physical labor and it made me feel good to make a living from hard work", He used to like that experience and he even says.

He moved on to 'Pondicherry' where he worked on an 'Oilring' for one whole year. He even cleaned tanks there. When asked about his experience at Pondicherry, he says "I was there for a full year and I enjoyed it very much. It was like excising without having to go to the gym. But after sometimes I realized that my ambitions in life were different from those of guys out there who wanted to be crane operators after 14 years! So I quickly got out".

Horse breeder, singer, carpet seller, oil rig worker, actor… how does he done so many avatars? "That’s because my plans have never worked. Everything that has happened has never been planned. I don’t want to get stuck in the rut and do only one thing. I would rather do what I feel like doing and things I feel right about. I am a nomad at heart."

Lucky Speaks on his acting and bollywood
"Bollywood was never a career option for me. That’s not my kind of music. I just do it if someone simply asks me to do it…otherwise that’s not something I really enjoy doing."
"It is just another aspect of my ability to work in a creative environment, another facet of myself as an artiste."

"As far as doing something was concerned," says Lucky, "I always assumed I would be an actor. As did the people around me."

He was actually never fond of acting. Lucky remarks, "The films I wanted to do did not earn me any money. It was a hard life and I desperately needed to earn. I wanted to get married. You cannot do that on art films and my heart bled every time I thought of doing a commercial movie. I kept asking myself: Can you do that, man? Can you do that convincingly? The money was tempting but I knew it was beyond me. So, finally, one day I stopped this battle with myself and decided to move on."

He said "Acting is hard work. You incorporate the character's personality into your own. In my experience, it has been the directors prerogative to decide what part suits who, anyway, you live and breathe the character for a long time after the work experience, which is tough because everyone keeps wondering 'what's wrong with you'. In the Indian commercial film scene you probably get desensitized because the system does not want you to think it's geared towards the unthinkable."

Lucky speaks on his life, dreams and beliefs
"Because I don’t let my success go to my head. I am always aware of the truth that no matter how big a star you are, one day you have to go six feet under the ground,"
Lucky Ali has strong belief in God, "I believe in the doing of anything that is contrary to the will of creator, for me I understand faith."

When he was asked does his being of a staunch Muslim get in the way of his music, he replied "For me music is not a Nasha, rather a gift given to me by creator, the Ulema are divided on this issue and although there were quite a few fatwas for and against I decided I didn't want to be confused and I do music in order to generate a feeling of communication, friendship, peace etc."

When his mother died in 1993, he was completely shattered. He even went on to say, "For me everything died when my mother died.”

He is very laid back kinda man and take life as it comes. He has never involved himself in planning for future. "Can't say. Not because I don't want to but because I Don't know."

He goes on to say "I can't plan. Each day bring its own glories, own sorrows and I take things as they come. I don't know how long I will have this talent. At the end of the day, whatever I might have reached, I come back home, go to sleep and the next day, it's back to square one. One has to start the day all over again. All I know is who I am. All I know is that I will never journey away from myself. I have no illusions about life. I hope, Inshallah, that once this phase is over, I am able to move onto something else. Something nice and productive. Even now music is jus a serious, passionate hobby, not my career."

He talks about his future "Futures are built on experiences of the past. What is important to me is 'now' because dwelling in the past or thinking about the future is as furtile as the other. If the 'now' is uncomplicated. The future will take care of itself."

His dreams??, He explains "I want to learn to do 'Kiart', that is the recitation of the 'Koran'. That's my dream."

"That’s home. That’s where my farm is. I am an agriculturist who grows wheat, rice, fruit…."

When asked if he was to tell his fans just one thing, "This what I would tell my son "Keep is simple and work hard."

He is one man who is always on for some search. He is "The only thing constant in nature is change" type of guy.

"God has been kind. We get our three meals a day, and I have managed to do a lot. There is no long-term plan in mind. I simply take it as it comes."

Today he has well over 54 years of experience. He has been an 'Oil Ringer', 'Carpet Cleaner', 'Horse Breeder', 'Farmer', 'Software Professional', 'Traveler', 'Singer', 'Musician', 'Actor', what not but he still feels that he has not achieved his destiny. He says
"Not till I die would I have fulfilled anything."

For more Lucky Ali stuff, Do check the LuckyWorld.pps by Kapil Chandak. It's An X'clusive Presentation containing almost everything about Lucky Ali in 163 slides

Thursday, October 6, 2011

इक रहिन भिखारी, इक रहिन डीप्स्या और इक रहिन हम (कहानी)

बहुत दिनों से कुछ नया (अज़ीब) कार्य नहीं किया था। इसलिए सभी बच्चो का इकठ्ठा किया और एक उद्यानभोज (पिकनिक) की घोषणा कर दी। उस समय मैं कक्षा आठ का विद्यार्थी होने के साथ-साथ छात्रनायक भी था। लगभग सभी सहपाठियों जोकि हर समय पढाई को नज़रअंदाज़ करने का अद्वितीय तर्क ढूँढते रहते थे ने इस प्रस्ताव पर अपनी अस्थायी स्वीकृति दे दी। मैंने हाथों-हाथ इस महायोजना की रूप रेखा तय कर ली। ठेठ राजस्थानी भोजन "दाल बाटी चूरमा" को सर्वसम्मति मिल गयी। यथासमय लगभग सभी सहपाठियों से उनकी योगदान राशि एकत्र कर ली गई। कच्ची रसोई का अधिकांश सामान हमारी ही कक्षा के एक छात्र प्रकाश खंडेलवाल* (जिसका नाम बहुत ज्यादा मोटा चश्मा लगाने के कारण डीप्स्या रखा गया था) की दूकान से यह कह कर ख़रीदा गया की बचा हुआ माल वापस कर दिया जाएगा। हालांकि इस बात पर गंभीरता से विचार नहीं किया गया की पका हुआ भोजन भला वापस कैसे होगा। समय बचाने के लिए हमने खाना घर से ही बना कर ले जाना उचित समझा। रामकुमार धोबी ने कहा की मैं सारी बाटी बनवा लाऊंगा, सुमित शर्मा* जिसको हम लोग उसकी हरकतों के कारण प्यार से भिखारी बोलते थे (गुस्से से भी भिखारी ही बोलते थे) को बेसन और गेंहू का चूरमा बनाने का काम इस बुनियाद पर दिया गया की वह अंशकालिक रूप से अपने घर में खाना बनाया करता था तथा उसके पिताजी चूरमा बनाने  में निपुण थे। दाल बनाने का जिम्मा मैंने लिया और मिर्च का ताराशंकर वर्मा ने। पत्तल-दोने, नमकीन आदि खरीद ली गयी। चटाई, दरी और अन्य सामान नियोजित तरीके से कुछ छात्रो के घर से मंगवा लिए गए। सुबह सात बजे विद्यालय के सामने सभी का मिलना निश्चित हुआ। सभी व्यवस्था करने के बाद जब मैं रात को घर पहुंचा तो मेरी बहन जिसको मैंने दाल बनाने के लिए राज़ी किया था ने बताया की कोई रामकुमार धोबी गुंथे हुए आटे की बाल्टी ये कह कर दे गया की आज वो किसी अपरिहार्य कारणों से बाटिया नहीं बनवा पायेगा। करीब चालीस बच्चे जिन्होंने अपनी जेब खर्च का बहुत बड़ा हिस्सा मुझे इस गोठ का हिस्सा बनने के लिए दिया था, कल सुबह सात बजे विद्यालय के बाहर मेरे लिए घात लगा कर बेठे होंगे और मैं यहाँ रात के नौ बजे इस सोच में हूँ की अब करीब 150-200 बाटी कौन बनाएगा। :-(

भिखारी का घर पास में ही था मैं उसके घर गया, सब कुछ बताया और अपूर्व बुद्धिमत्ता का ढोंग करते हुए मैंने उसे सारी बाटिया बनाने के लिए अभिप्रेरित किया। भिखारी ने डीप्स्या को भी इस गोपनीय और आत्मघाती योजना का अंश बनाने का प्रस्ताव रखा। यहाँ यह बताना सारगर्भित होगा की भिखारी और डीप्स्या ख़ुदग़रज़ी के कारण सशर्त अच्छे मित्र थे क्योंकि दोनों ही विद्यालय के शीर्ष उपेक्षित छात्रो में आते थे। करीब तीन घंटे तक बिना किसी महान अप्रिय घटना के हम सारी बाटिया बनाने में सफल हो गए। सुबह पांच बजे उठ कर तैयार होकर में भिखारी के घर पहुंचा जहाँ पर डीप्स्या पहले से ही अपनी उपस्थिति दर्ज करवा चुका था। भिखारी ने एक ठोस दावा किया की चूंकि उसके पिताजी ने चूरमा बनाते समय थोडा सा घी अपनी तरफ से और मिलाया था इसलिए उसका छोटा भाई  गंजू*  भी बिना योगदान राशि के गोठ में चलने का हक़दार बनता है। डीप्स्या की आरम्भिक आपत्ति के बात मैंने बेमन से अपनी सहमति दे दी। डीप्स्या के घर से बाटिया लेते समय मौका देख कर उसने ने भी दांव चल दिया। डीप्स्या के अनुसार उसका छोटा भाई  सुरेश*  भी बिना योगदान राशि के गोठ में चलने का स्वत्वाधिकारी हैं क्योंकि उसने भी कल रात रहस्मयी तरीके से कुछ आटा बाटियो में मिलाया था। बात पूरी होने से पहले ही भिखारी और डीप्स्या में महासंग्राम छिड़ गया। भिखारी ने कहा की कपिल तुम्हे पता नहीं कल रात को तुम्हारे जाने के बाद डीप्स्या ने कुछ बाटिया खा ली थी। डीप्स्या ने भी प्रत्याक्रमण करते हुए कहा की कपिल तुम्हारे जाने के बाद इस भिखारी ने भी कुछ चूरमा घर के लिए अलग से निकाल लिया था। चूंकि मेरे लिए इन दोनों की ये हरकते नयी नहीं थी इसलिए मैंने इसे गंभीरता से नहीं लिया।

हम पांचो (मै, भिखारी, गंजू*, डीप्स्या और सुरेश* ) सारा सामान ले कर विद्यालय के सामने पहुंचे। थोड़ी ही देर में सभी सहपाठी एकत्रित हो गए लेकिन सुनील सामरिया जो की वर्तमान में भी मेरे  अभिन्न मित्र है वहां किसी गूढ, गहन और गुप्त प्रयोजन से नहीं आये। चूंकि सुनील सामरिया के बिना ज्यादा मज़ा नहीं आता इसलिए मैंने कुछ छात्रों को मान मनोव्वल के लिए सुनील सामरिया के घर भेजा। घर पास में ही था कुछ ही देर में सुनील सामरिया दूर से आता हुआ दिखाई दिया। ये देख कर भिखारी और डीप्स्या का सब्र कब्र में दफ़न हो गया। दोनों बोले की ये तो बिना पैसे दिए गोठ जाएगा हमने तो पैसे दिए है जाने के लिए, अगर ये जाएगा तो हम तो नहीं जाने वाले । इतना कह कर दोनों ने खाने के सामान का थैला नीचे रख दिया और कहा की हमारे हिस्से का खाना हम को दे दो और हमारे भाइयो का भी दे दो। एक बार फिर मुझे सत्य का ज्ञान हुआ की क्यों इनको लोग भिखारी और डीप्स्या कहते है। इस से पहले की मैं इन दोनों की हरकतों के बारे में कोई दूरगामी फैसला लेता, सुनील सामरिया ने दूर से आते हुए अपने हाथ में एक नोट निकाल कर हवा में लहराया। नोट देखते ही दोनों ने अपने दृढ विचारो में तब्दीली लाते हुए खाने के सामन का थैला उठाकर कहा की चलो भाई पिकनिक के लिए देरी हो रही है।

हम सभी वहां से लगभग चार-पाँच किलोमीटर दूर स्थित रामनिवास बाग़ पहुंचे। पास में ही चिड़ियाघर और अल्बर्ट संग्राहलय था। तय हुआ की दो लोग रूक कर सारे सामन का ध्यान रखेंगे और बाकि लोग चिड़ियाघर और अल्बर्ट संग्राहलय देखने जायेंगे। भिखारी और रामकुमार धोबी रुके। वापस लौटने पर हमने देखा की कुछ अमरुद और केले जो की हमने विद्यालय से रवाना होते  समय रास्ते में ख़रीदे थे के टूकड़े वहां  ज़मीन पर फैले थे और दुसरे फल भी कम थे। अनुसंधान करने पर भिखारी ने बताया की हम लोगो को नींद आ गयी और शायद कुछ गिलहरियों और चिड़ियों ने इन्हें खा लिया होगा। उनकी इस  परी कथा को ना मानने का कोई उपयुक्त कारण हमारे पास नहीं था । हालाँकि ये आज भी एक अनसुलझा रहस्य है की जो छिलके वहां बरामद हुए थे वे किसी चाकू से छीले हुए थे और गिलहरियों और चिड़ियों ने उन्हें चाकू से कैसे छीला होगा?

*परिवर्तित नाम

रचियता: कपिल  चाण्डक 
Author: Kapil Chandak

Image Courtesy : Google  
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Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Raasta-Man : Lucky Ali’s Sixth Solo Music Album: 2011

Raasta-Man is dedicated to all my fans who have greatly supported me all through my career and have displayed their love for my music. Raasta Man’s music takes you on a soothing journey, which inspires one to live every moment to the fullest. Life is a journey and not a destination and this album personifies that sentiment. I would like to thank Ovations for giving me the opportunity to showcase my music.” Says Lucky Ali

Lucky Ali launched his new music album 'Raasta-Man' under his own label Lucky Ali Entertainment – a part of the Surplus Group in Mumbai on 07th July 2011. The album is a story of a man and his experience, who travels all around the world in search of love.

‘Raasta-Man’ is the sixth solo music album by Lucky and inspired by the extraordinary life and times of a nomad. With this album, Ali reveals his distinctive music and offers timeless compositions promising a whole new experience to his listeners. The album is a treasure chest of Lucky Ali’s experiences successfully translated into 11 songs.

As Lucky’s music has been an example of freedom of expression that’s why he decided to make it available for free through the internet ( Lucky has freed himself from all the bonds of the music industry to give momentum to his unique and trendsetting brainchild. While everybody applies for a Copyright, Lucky Ali went the Copyleft way and decided to launch his own label, Lucky Ali Entertainment – a part of the Surplus Group. SURPLUS group is founded by Lucky Ali and Asif Iqbal. Surplus represents everything beyond what one actually needs.

“Our philosophy is to channel that surplus towards living, education and entertainment. (  Raasta-Man is the first album under this label.” Lucky Added.

In 2009-10 Lucky Ali had released 8 songs with his 5th solo music album ‘Xsuie’ via internet. Later he included those 8 songs also in 'Raasta-Man' which has these 11 soulful songs: 1.Dil Gaaye Ja-my heart keep on singing  2.Oh Raahi-you are never on your own  3.Duniya Ka Samandar-sea of life  4.Khuda Hafiz-we don't have to say goodbye  5.Rehne De  6.Yeh Zindgi-everyones wathching  7.Main Kya Karoon  8.With You  9.Sayyaah  10.Main Tumhara Hi Rahoon  11.Tauba Tauba 

Raasta-Man is about the man on the road… raaste pe chalne waala aadmi. The album is about identifying thoughts that we, as common people, have. It’s balladic... it’s anthemic... it’s romantic... it’s path-breaking in many different ways. It’s a different album. I liked listening to it as I recorded it. For this album, I have travelled all over the world, recorded wherever I could… New Zealand, England, China…. It’s a compilation of all the sounds I have heard and imbibed in the last five years. This is part of a larger repertoire of works that is yet to be released.” Lucky Explained.

Musician Lucky Ali is all set to begin a campaign that will cater to the needy people. With his latest album ‘Raasta-Man’ about to create waves in the world of music, Ali will travel across the country to do live concerts and create an awareness to donate old things to those who need them.

To promote the album, road shows are being organized from the first weekend of September with concerts in various cities.

“Rather than going to a music store, looking for an album and buying it, I felt it would be nicer to connect with the listeners on a one-on-one basis. When people come for these concerts, I would like to give a copy of the album to each one of them.” he added.
 All songs of Raasta-Man have been recorded at Sterling Studio in New York. While the album will be popularized through the grand multi-city concerts, Lucky Ali has appointed media house UTV as the official music partner to make the album available across various mediums.

Through this partnership with UTV, the album will be accessible on Radio, Television, Voice and other digital platforms.

Ovations India is the producer of the album and host to the concerts and road shows, while Buenos Entertainment has been chosen to support Ovations on Sales, Marketing, Event Management, Logistics Management, Ticketing, Travel Management, Event Production& Backstage Management. Zubair Ali is the Tour Manager.

LavinaTauro, Senior Vice President, Music and Voice Products, Interactive – UTV, said “Lucky Ali is undoubtedly one of the best singers in the industry today with an immense fan following across the globe. After receiving fantastic response for the album, we at UTV Interactive are looking at leveraging this across platforms to build a proposition that would ensure his music accessibility to fans and music lovers. With Lucky Ali’s popularity and the grand culmination of his album, we are confident that this association will be highly successful.”

Says Idris Ahmed of Ovations, “Lucky Ali’s music has always been unique, soulful and incredibly popular. With Raasta-Man he is all set to break his own records. His fan following is enormous; his music timeless! We have taken this initiative to bring to music aficionados across India the unique sound, passion and soul of Lucky Ali’s music.”

Raasta-Man CD Cover designed by his fan Mr. Bilal Malik (not officially)

So, all you Lucky Ali fans there, get ready to soothe your souls to the tunes of your favourite singer with ‘Raasta-Man.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

English Translations of Lucky Ali's Songs

O Sanam/O Darling

Shaam sawere teri yaadein aati hain, Aa ke dil ko mere yun tadpati hain, O sanam! mohabbat ki kasam
Evening morning I remember you, My heart feels very nostalgic, O darling! I swear my love for you

Mil ke bichhurana toh dastoor ho gaya, Yaadoein mein teri mazboor ho gaya, O sanam! teri yaadoein ki kasam
Separation after meeting is a custom now a days, I am helpless because of you thoughts, O darling! I swear my feelings for you

Samjhe zamana ki dil hai khilona, Jana hai ab kya hai dil ka lagana, Nazaro se ab na humkon girana, Mar bhi gaye toh bhool na jana
World thinks that heart is a toy, I have come to know that what it is to put be obsessed by heart, Please don’t see me as a lower, Please don’t see me as a lower, Even if I die now, then don’t forget me

Aakhoein mein basi ho par door ho kahin, Dil ke kareeb ho ye mujhako hai yanki, O sanam! tere pyaar ki kasam
I can see your face in my eyes, But you are very far away, You are close to my heart, That’s the certainty, Oh darling! I swear by your love for me

Gori Teri Aankhein Kahein/O Loved One, Your Eyes Tell Me

Gori teri aankhein kahein… raat bhar soyee nahi… chanda dekhe chhupke kahin… aur taare jaante hain sabhi… ke kisne, dil le liya… kisko, dil de diya… yeh, dil ka lagaana koi jaanta nahi… gori teri aankhein kahein… raat bhar soyee nahi… 
O loved one, your eyes tell me… that you haven’t slept all night… the moon looks on while hiding somewhere… and all the stars know this too… about who took my heart away… and to whom did she give hers… no one knows, these matters of the heart… o loved one, your eyes tell me… that you haven’t slept all night…

Dil mein teri yaad basi, tu samjhega nahi… jo hain mere paas hai tera, mera kuch nahi… jo hain mere paas hai tera, mera kuch nahi… kyun akhiyaan chhupaun… kyun tujhko sataun… dil tod ke tera, main kya paun… bol piya, bol piya… bol piya bol, piya bol, piya bol… saajan teri baatein badee… ke main raat bhar soyee nahi… chanda ne bhi dekha nahi… aur taaro ko ye maloom nahi… ke maine, tujhe dil diya… tera dil le liya… mera, tu hi hain bahaana… kyun maanta nahi…
The heart is full of your memories, but you won’t understand… whatever is with me, is yours, nothing belongs to me… why should i lower my eyes… why should i tease you… and what shall i get by breaking your heart… tell me dear one, tell me… my love, your talks are way too many… so much, that I couldn’t sleep all night… neither did the moon see it… nor do the stars know anything about it… that I gave my heart away to you… and took your heart away… you are the reason for my being… why won’t you accept it…
Aate jaate mausam jaise,lagte the sabhi… humne bhi to manga rab se, apna bhi koi… duniya se bachaun… palkon mein chhupaun… dil jeet ke tera, sab ko bataun… sun gori, sun gori.. sun gori sun…  gori sun, gori sun… gori teri aankhein kahein… jaane anjaane mein kahin… chanda ne bhi dekha nahi… aur taaro ne bhi jaana nahi… ke tune mujhe dil diya… mera dil de diya… mera jeene ka bahana, koi aur nahi … gori teri aankh….
Seasons going past us used to pinch the heart… even we asked for that special someone from God…to protect you from the world… to hide you in my eyes… and to win your heart and scream from the rooftops… listen, o beautiful, listen… o loved one, your eyes tell me… that knowingly or unknowingly... neither did the moon witness it… nor do the stars lay testimony to the fact… that I gave my heart to you… and you took mine in return… and there’s no other reason for my existence… O loved one, your eyes tell...


Kitni Haseen Zindagi Hai/How Beautiful is This Life

Kitni haseen zindagi hai yeh,
Hoton pe jaise kahani hai,
Sadaa yahan kiska thikana hai?
Un ki rawani mein jaana hai
How beautiful is this life,
Like there is a story on my lips,
Who is going to live here forever?
We have to go to his abode,

Bahaaron ne har sou rang hai bikhairaa,
Ret ka sehra, ek pal ka ghera,
Ek din bikharnaa yahan
The atmosphere is filled with many colours,
The castle is built of sand,
One day it is sure to break

Dil bhi kahin hai pahaadon mein,
Thoda sa kahin hai kinaaron mein,
Phir ke chali hai yeh thandi hawaaein,
Kya tum miloge hum se jahaan leke jaaye?
Bheegi bheegi palken, kamsin adaayein,
Masoom chehra tera nahin bhool paaye
My heart is somewhere in the hills,
And somewhere near the shore,
The cold winds have started to blow again,
Will you meet me wherever I take you?
Misty eyes and teen gestures,
I can’t forget your innocent face

 Tumhe bhi kabhi ye satate hain?
Muskra ke dil ko churaate hain,
Jeene ko to dil yeh chaahta hai,
Jaane phir kyon sharmaata hai?
Rukta nahin hai, sab kuch bataaye,
Chupta nahin hai, dil jaan jaaye,
Ab rehna kisko yahaan?
Do they trouble you too?
Smile and steal your heart,
My heart yearns to live,
Then why does it feel so shy?
It can’t stop without telling everything,
I can’t hide, the heart will know,
Now who wants to stay here?

Tanhaai Mein Basi Hai Zindagi/Life Is Inhabited In Loneliness

Tanhaai mein basi hai zindagi, Kuch bhi nahin, kuch bhi nahin, Sach hai yahi , sach hai yahi, Aise kahan se Tu chal ke aa gayee, Mehki hawa teri sadaa, Sun to zara , sun to zara
life is inhabited in loneliness, there's nothing, there's nothing, this is the truth, this is the truth, from where did you come like this, bringing a sweet wind with you, listen a little, listen a little

Chala hoon main to teri chaah mein, Milenge jaane kisse raah mein, Kaha hai mere dil ne bhi yahi, Tumhi se judi hai ye zindagi, Iraada hai ke tumko paaoo main, Jo kehna chahoo kehte jaaoo main, Tum hi to umeed ho meri, Tumhi se judi meri har khushi
i am going in your want while wanting you (he means he has started going sumwer filled with the feeling of wanting her), we will meet who knows on what path, my heart has said the same this same thing, this life is bound to you, the intention is to obtain you, what i want to say i keep saying, you are my hope,my every happiness is bound to you

Kho gaye hai khayalon mein kahin, Tu bhi yahin main bhi yahin , jaana kahan , khabar nahin, Kisi ne to pukara hai mujhe, Kahin se to ishara hai mujhe, Ae dil mere chal chalen vahin, Aaj se nayee hai zindagi, Chala hoon main to teri chaah mein, Milenge jaane kisse raah mein, Kaha hai mere dil ne bhi yahi, Tumhi se judi hai ye zindagi
which is lost somewhere in thoughts, you're also here, i'm also here, where to go, no idea no news, someone must have called me, from somwhere i've been guided, oh my heart, let's go there, from today there's a new life, i am going in your want while wanting you (he means he has started going sumwer filled with the feeling of wanting her), we will meet who knows on what path, my heart has said the same this same thing, this life is bound to you

Aa Bhi Jaa/Come Already
Aa bhu jaa, aa bhi jaa, ae subaah aa bhi jaa…2, Raat ko kar vida, dilruba aa bhi jaa …2, Aa bhi jaa, aa bhi jaa, ae subaah aa bhi jaa
Come already, come already, bid goodbye to the night, my love come already, come already, come already, oh morning come already

Mere, mere dil ke paagalpan ki oh seema kya hai, Yun to tu hai meri, chhaaya tujh mein, ho, tera kya hai, Main hoon gagan tu hai zameen, adhoori si mere bina, Raat ko kar vida, dilruba aa bhi jaa, Aa bhi jaa, aa bhi jaa, ae subaah aa bhi jaa…2
My, what is the story of my heart's madness, you are mine, i am in you my shadow is in you, what's yours, i am the sky, you are earth, empty without me, bid goodbye to the night, oh my love come already, come already, come already, oh morning come already

Dekhoon chaahe jisko, kuch kuch tujhsa dikhta kyoon hai, Jaanoon, jaanoon na main, tera mera rishta kyoon hai, Kaise kahoon kitna bechain hai dil mera tere bina, Raat ko kar vida… aa bhi jaa
No matter who i look at, why does everything look a liitle lke you, to know, i dont know, why our relationship is, how do i say how unsetteled my heart is without you, to the night say goodbye.... Come already


Aahista Aahista/Slowly Slowly

Aahista aahista… mujhe yaqeen ho gaya… aahista aahista... yeh dil yahin kho gaya... Yun gira gira hai chand ya…? teri hai roshni…? yun udi udi si hai zameen... aahista...
Slowly… and slowly… i came to believe that… slowly… and slowly… i lost my heart to someone, somewhere… is it the moon that has desended so low?… or is it your radiance?… that the earth seems to be flying past us…. slowly…
Ho… ho… ho… ho… hua yeh pehli baar, ho… ho… ho… ho… mujhe ho gaya hai pyaar, Ho… ho… ho… ho… hua yeh pehli baar, ho… ho… ho… ho… mujhe ho gaya hai pyaar Ho… ho… ho… ho…
It happened for the first time… ho… ho… ho… ho… that i fell in love…, Ho… ho… ho… ho… It happened for the first time… ho… ho… ho… ho… that i fell in love… ho… ho… ho… ho…

Dekh loon yeh khwaab main… Ke raaton mein tu aa ke yeh kahega…ke tu ji rahi hai meri zindagi...Sochi kya baat hai...yeh ankhon se tu dheere se sunega...kyun na rok loon main yeh din yahin…
Now can i see the dream… that you’ll come up in the night and say that…t hat you are living my life now… the thoughts that came upon you… those you’ll know with your eyes, slowly reading me… why shouldn’t i pause this beautiful moment right now…

Kissi se bhi na… kahenge hum na… yahin pe kho jayenge... Yun gira gira hai chand ya…? teri hai roshni…? yun udi udi si hai zameen... Aahista…
We won’t let it be known… to anyone around us… we’ll lose ourselves in this moment… someone, somewhere… is it the moon that has desended so low?… or is it your radiance?… that the earth seems to be flying past us…. slowly…

Ho… ho… ho… ho… hua yeh pehli baar, ho… ho… ho… ho… mujhe ho gaya hai pyaar… Ho… ho… ho… ho…
It happened for the first time… ho… ho… ho… ho… that i fell in love… ho… ho… ho… ho…

Mujhse ik pal mila…yeh lamhe saare sab se chhupa lo… teri jo kahani suna chala… aur uss pal mein hi… tum aa ke mujhe apna bana lo… mujhko mera har ik kal mila… Phoolon ka hum na… le ke bichauna… khwabon mein kho jayenge…
A moment met with me… hide all these moments from everyone… which told me your story and went ahead… and in that very moment… come and make me yours forever… i got my each and every moment to come, in you… A bed of flowers… we should get one… and lose ourselves into dreams…

Ho… ho… ho… ho… hua yeh pehli baar, ho… ho… ho… ho… mujhe ho gaya hai pyaar… Ho… ho… ho… ho…
It happened for the first time… ho… ho… ho… ho… that i fell in love… ho… ho… ho… ho…

Aahista aahista… mujhe yaqeen ho gaya… aahista aahista... yeh dil yahin kho gaya... Yun gira gira hai chand ya…? teri hai roshni…? yun udi udi si hai zameen…? aahista… Ho… ho… ho… ho… hua yeh pehli baar, ho… ho… ho… ho… mujhe ho gaya hai pyaar…
Slowly… and slowly… i came to believe that… slowly… and slowly… i lost my heart to someone, somewhere… is it the moon that has desended so low?… or is it your radiance?… that the earth seems to be flying past us…. slowly… Ho… ho… ho… ho… It happened for the first time… ho… ho… ho… ho… that i fell in love…ho… ho… ho… ho…

कपिल चांडक/Kapil Chandak

 for more Lucky Ali Stuff, Do check the LuckyWorld.pps by Kapil Chandak. It's an Exclusive Presentation containing almost everything about Lucky Ali in 163 slides.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Stories and Reviews of Soulful and Refreshing Videos of Lucky Ali

Videos to complement lucky ali songs have always been refreshing and impressive. His videos have been shot all over the world. His videos having all colours of life, I love to watch them reason beings every time it makes me delighted and energetic. It brings me to an imaginary world, this world containing real people with real soul which is quite tough to find on earth where we live. It connects me to truth, hopes, dreams, pleasures, and finally bonds with almighty. :-)

"Why I choose exotic locales is because it makes good video sense. You enjoy seeing new places": Lucky Ali

O SANAM from SUNOH [1996]

This was the first video to be shot ever for a Lucky Ali song. This video was shot among one of the seven wonders of the universe. The video was shot by Mahesh Mathai (Lucky's childhood friend). It’s an egyptian mystery, bright blue eyes behind a burkha and the promise of a man who would take Indian pop out of the rut it was in. (Incidentally, they were short on cast, so the woman you barely see is actually Lucky Ali’s wife Masooma). This video stayed on the Mtv music charts for around 60 consecutive weeks.

This is a story about a key. In this album lucky ali has two birth in new birth lucky is a traveler and explorer and in old birth lucky was king of egypt.

Lucky does love someone. Her (his beloved) father has done something illegal so lucky ali puts him behind the bar lucky ali’s beloved steals the key to the jail later lucky ali comes to know about it. According to his rules he has to kill her and he kills his love with his own hands and lost in his memory forever (mil kar bichhudna toh dastoor ho gaya, yaadon mein teri mazboor ho gaya).


This song is not from his regular albums. This song was included in the album Meri Jaan Hindustan. This album was produced to celebrate 50 years of Indian independence. The video was directed by Mani Shankar. The video features lucky as a young guy living in the countryside and trying to discover new meaning of life and move on. About the video Lucky says:

"The video of Anjaani Raahon Mein was a beautiful story in itself. It was done straight from the heart. It is very special to me"

This is a really heart touching video. It’s a story about young guy who is trying to discover his roots (anjaani raahon mein tu kya dhoondhta phire, door jisko samjha wo toh paas hai tere).

He stays beyond the sea for earnings without family. He lives abroad but still he has memories of his motherland. One day he starts for his village. On the way he meets several people, folks and joys. He travels in train, boat, and cart and makes new friends and makes them laugh. He reaches his village where his family and friends have been waiting for him. He warmly meets to villagers, kids and his friends and has got discovered real joy from simplicity. Now he is back and lives happily there forever.



This was the first video from his second album Sifar. This video was also directed by Mahesh Mathai. This video was shot on the legendry Route 66 of the American highway in Arizona. The video features Lucky as a traveler searching for his inner self and asking questions about his existence.

In this song lucky ali is a nomadic person (As lucky ali is nomad at heart in his real life). He is messenger of love. He leaves his place for the search of love (pyaar ko hi manate chaley jana). He believes in keep walking and loves to go on and just wants to spare love everywhere (koi kehta hai ki ghar aa gaya hai, aarzoo bhi arz hai badhatey jana).

Lucky moves on for the search of love and peace. One day he meets a lady. She reminds him that he is back, he has been there before. He lost in memory of last journey in same place. He took bus, walked on; on the way he met a lady. She was treated like prisoner by her owner a old cruel women. She felt good because of freedom and liberty lucky had. Suddenly few cowboys started fighting there; he failed to understand why people do so? (hastey hasaatey yun subko manaate hum jaayenge, barson ki doori ko mil kar hum saath mitaayenge).

She started realizing that there is more to live. She ran away from her poor past for good. On the way lucky saw her when he was travelling on the bus. She was shaking her hand and saying bye to him. (dil ke jharokho mein ab bhi mohabbat ke saaye hai reh jaye jo baad mein hamare woh paaye hai).


This was the second video from Sifar. This video was also directed by Mahesh Mathai for Highlight Films. This video features Lucky Ali a circus artist telling us about his aspirations, experiences and hopes.

This is ultimate story of life. Lucky is a clown whose job is making people laugh (baharo ke ghere se laya mein dil saja kar ek aisi sohbbat hai meri).

He loves a girl she is also circus artist. Her owner tortures her. Lucky gets dejected when he finds someone is sad. Lucky tries to make people smile all time. One day she is crying because of her pitiless circus owner. Lucky comes to her and gives her a flower and makes her happy. Suddenly their owner comes and forces her to climb on swing rope. Lucky refuses her but she has to climb unwillingly and falls down, gets dead. Lucky gets shattered.

After few days new artist comes in place of her but she is bad like circus owner. He wonders why people live in such way with hate and regret. He still tries to learn why people are changing every day. (rastey na badley na badley jahan phir kyon badley kadam hai yahan).

TERE MERE SATH from AKS [2000]

This is the first video to be shot from his third album Aks. This video has been shot among the residential parts of Havana the capital of South American country Cuba. This is the first time ever Lucky Ali has been seen dancing in his videos. About his dancing skills, Lucky says:

"I am not very good dancer. While dancing I feel as if I am a chicken whose feet have been tied and is struggling for freedom."

This is cheerful video with refreshing music which surely makes you shaking and rocking, brings you unseen world where only hopes, bliss and pleasures live.

In this video lucky is looking for a girl while driving his glorious big vintage red and white car. He is looking too cool, wearing sky blue short shirt and short trouser with sports shoes, has goggle hanging in white T-shirt. He starts singing and dancing and local people starts following him and quickly he has got big number of pleasurable folks around him. Finally the girl who he was looking for comes and dances with him. He feels good to find her and takes her away.


This is the second video from the album Aks. This video has been shot mostly indoors and on outskirts of Mumbai. This is the first Lucky Ali video not to be directed by Mahesh Mathai. This one was directed by Aditya Basu Bhattacharya. This video features Lucky Ali and supermodel Malaika Arora Khan (Mtv V.J.) as childhood friends separated in due course of time.

This is beautiful video that tells how two childhood friends try to stay in contact with each other after long separation. Lucky ali and Malaika are friends but they are detached. Malaika becomes film star but Lucky can’t forget her and wants to meet her. He tries to reach her by sending email and letter. Malaika gets his mail and letter and smiles because she still remembers and loves him a lot.

TU KAUN HAI from AKS [2000]

‘Tu Kaun Hai’ Song from the album Aks was the theme song of the movie Bhopal Express which was directorial debut of Mahesh Mathai. This is not a regular video of Lucky Ali. Later the same song lucky included his third album Aks and took few glimpse form the movie Bhopal Express for its video.

The song features Lucky Ali singing clad in white over coat. The video includes the snaps from the movie “Bhopal Express” in the background. Earlier lucky sung the song for the same movie and later lucky included this in his third album Aks.


Kabhi Aisa Hai Lagta Hai was the first video to be shot from this album. This video was directed by Mahesh Mathai At Brazil. It was shot mostly in plane. (his fans know that lucky is also licensed pilot and flying plane his passion) Perhaps he’s mentally mountainous the skies, like he was in Mahesh Mathai’s music video of Kabhi Aisa Lagta Hai. But the song that record company T-Series has on the airwaves is another version of Video in 2004, directed by Rahul L Sud.

Lucky says “Other directors (he says about Rahul L Sud) come in to create something more in tune with a market's needs and I respect that, but I would always prefer the careful work that Mahesh puts into the videos.”

“I don't know Rah Sood. I have never met him, but I wish him all the best. As for Mahesh Mathai, I think we work well as a team. When a company releases another video, I like to think of it as a marketing strategy alone. Mahesh's work has always been layered. It is a question of art versus commerce in a way, because some of the earlier videos are well done but lost on a particular audience” He added.

But in late 2009 original video directed by Mahesh Mathai at Brazil was issued through Youtube this was supposed to be aired when album released in 2004.

STORY* of original video directed by Mahesh Mathai at BrazilThe original video has a beautiful story itself. Lucky Ali falls in love at first sight. Lucky was about to start for somewhere. He calls taxi at same time he sees a lady (She was miss Brazil in real life) standing on another side on road. Unexpectedly a bus comes and she goes by it. Lucky gets in taxi and entrances her memories as few days back how he met her first time in a public library where he helped to get her a book as she couldn’t reach to it because of height of shelf.

He reaches to airport and gets in plane; surprisingly she comes and takes a seat next to him and starts reading book, plane takes off, she puts down book and closes her eyes. Lucky becomes lucky and again starts daydreaming; in the dream she comes to meet him at cafe, where lucky is waiting for and he imagines of their romantic dating on beach. Plane lands and she goes outside but forgets to carry the book. Lucky looks at the book and smiles because this was the same book which she took from library.


Teri Yaad Jub Aati Hai, was the second video of this album. This video was directed by Mahesh Mathai at Brazil. It’s another beautiful and refreshing video, but record company T-Series issued another version of video for the same song in 2004, directed by Rahul L Sud. for which Lucky Ali was not even intimated.

About the video Lucky says “this music album is special to him as the lyrics of the second song - Teri yaad jab aati hai - came straight from the heart in memory of his brother Mackie who passed away last year”. Is that why he isn’t in the second video, Jab Teri Yaad Aati hai? No reply. This song is dedicated to his brother, Macky, who passed away a year back. ‘‘I don’t even see the point in having a video—the words are enough’’.

In April 2010 on huge demand of his fans, He released original video directed by Mahesh Mathai at Brazil through Youtube with another name i.e. Pyaar Tumse In this video lucky comes again with his soulful style. “I like to think that the video directors who work with me are always given the freedom to express themselves through their work, with my music.”

STORY* of original video directed by Mahesh Mathai at Brazil
In the original video Lucky Ali is a guitarist he plays it at Railway station where a lady sells flowers to the passengers. Lucky and lady loves one another. Lucky does notice that a man with beard around 60 comes daily, buys flowers and goes somewhere by train. One day Lucky and the Lady both chased him and saw that the man went into a cave, lit candles, called soul of his beloved one (ye dil tujhe na bhulaayega, Kya tu phir se laut aayega). It seemed, she came from heaven to dance with the man and he lost with her forever. Lucky and the lady stunned and felt the pain of losing true love (teri yaad jub aati hai, meri aankh bhar jaati hai, hum to bichhude yun mil mil ke, khwaab tooten hai aise dil ke).

Kapil Chandak
An ordinary fan with extraordinary love

For more Lucky Ali stuff, Do check the LuckyWorld.pps by Kapil Chandak. It's An X'clusive Presentation containing almost everything about Lucky Ali in 163 slides


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